Monday, February 28, 2005
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Friday, February 18, 2005
Mr. Yakub and the Making of the Devil
The following is from a letter Amir Fatir wrote to a correspondent who requested his views on Yakub and the making of the Devil.
To read more of his writings, go here: http://amirfatir.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/fatir1.htm
I believe the History of Mr. Yakub to be wholly spiritual and symbolic, using physical White people to represent mental functions and states of mind. This is not unprecedented. The ancient Egyptian Kings were often depicted "smiting" foreign barbarians who were symbols of the wild passions in the Egyptian people, not actual physical conquests.
The Egyptian Kings "battles" were often against the "Asiatics". They symbolized people stuck at the Assiah plane of development, i.e., savages. The lower appetites were the actual Asiatics.
Master Fard and The Honorable Elijah Muhammad used the same approach. Fard called White people "cave men" and "cavey." It refers to underground (subconscious) influences that operate in the dark (ignorance).
Yakub represents the left hemisphere of the brain and its related mental activities. He had "an 8 ounce brain" because the left brain corresponds to the 8th sphere of the Tree of Life.
Yakub was a "big hearted scientist," meaning he symbolized extreme left-brained arrogance, vanity and unrelenting pride.
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that the Black man has a 7 ½ ounce brain "while the White man has a 6 ounce brain." Well, put similarly sized people's brains on a scale and you'll see that brains weigh pretty much the same.
Seven and a half breaths per minute induce trance. The alpha brain wave (trance) pattern is thus symbolized as the size of the Black man's brain. "Black" man symbolizes the deep trance state.
Now the alleged making of the devil... it refers to the ego supplanting the former rule or predominance of the right brain hemisphere. The individual "I" and sense of separateness is a grafted "add on to the original human consciousness. This puny little ego -- created by maya, separate-ness and "tricknology" (i.e. "Yakub) is the real devil (enemy, adversary) and is symbolized by the White man.
Yakub is the modern version of the trickster gods that have been depicted throughout the world: Coyote, Set, Satan, Sebek, Hanuman, Mescalito, Kweku, Ansi, etc. They are usually stylised as canines, so The Honorable Elijah Muhammad emphasized how the White man befriended the dog while in the caves of Europe. This is all symbolic wisdom and the great teachers were not allowed to tell anyone that it was symbolic. To do so would destroy the cleansing effect the teachings were to have on Whites and Blacks alike.
I only decipher the symbols now because it's time to bring in the New Islam.. Those teachings -- minus the correct interpretation -- can no longer produce highly evolved women and men the way they once did in the '50's, 60's and 70's. Unfortunately, they now sometimes become words people use to "shield their own dirty religion" under the Honorable Elijah Muhammad's good name.
The real purpose of Fard Muhammad was to provide the spiritual scientific framework for you and me to become gods and goddesses. It is not enough to praise the messenger and the Saviour. You and me must become "God in Person." You have to be able to truthfully say: "My name is W.F. Muhammad. I came to North America by myself (my Soul)."
We are constantly making the devil whenever we feed and nourish our lower selves and animal appetites. When we allow our egos to rule, instead of bringing our egos into submission to the indwelling divinity (Master Fard, Osiris, Shiva, Obatallah, etc.) we are grafting a devil.
Physical white people are not any more or less evil than physical Black people. Any person of any skin color can become devilish by the thoughts, emotions, feelings and actions they indulge.
Any person of any color can become "a true and living god" by the thoughts, emotions, feelings and actions they indulge.
To read more of his writings, go here: http://amirfatir.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/fatir1.htm
I believe the History of Mr. Yakub to be wholly spiritual and symbolic, using physical White people to represent mental functions and states of mind. This is not unprecedented. The ancient Egyptian Kings were often depicted "smiting" foreign barbarians who were symbols of the wild passions in the Egyptian people, not actual physical conquests.
The Egyptian Kings "battles" were often against the "Asiatics". They symbolized people stuck at the Assiah plane of development, i.e., savages. The lower appetites were the actual Asiatics.
Master Fard and The Honorable Elijah Muhammad used the same approach. Fard called White people "cave men" and "cavey." It refers to underground (subconscious) influences that operate in the dark (ignorance).
Yakub represents the left hemisphere of the brain and its related mental activities. He had "an 8 ounce brain" because the left brain corresponds to the 8th sphere of the Tree of Life.
Yakub was a "big hearted scientist," meaning he symbolized extreme left-brained arrogance, vanity and unrelenting pride.
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that the Black man has a 7 ½ ounce brain "while the White man has a 6 ounce brain." Well, put similarly sized people's brains on a scale and you'll see that brains weigh pretty much the same.
Seven and a half breaths per minute induce trance. The alpha brain wave (trance) pattern is thus symbolized as the size of the Black man's brain. "Black" man symbolizes the deep trance state.
Now the alleged making of the devil... it refers to the ego supplanting the former rule or predominance of the right brain hemisphere. The individual "I" and sense of separateness is a grafted "add on to the original human consciousness. This puny little ego -- created by maya, separate-ness and "tricknology" (i.e. "Yakub) is the real devil (enemy, adversary) and is symbolized by the White man.
Yakub is the modern version of the trickster gods that have been depicted throughout the world: Coyote, Set, Satan, Sebek, Hanuman, Mescalito, Kweku, Ansi, etc. They are usually stylised as canines, so The Honorable Elijah Muhammad emphasized how the White man befriended the dog while in the caves of Europe. This is all symbolic wisdom and the great teachers were not allowed to tell anyone that it was symbolic. To do so would destroy the cleansing effect the teachings were to have on Whites and Blacks alike.
I only decipher the symbols now because it's time to bring in the New Islam.. Those teachings -- minus the correct interpretation -- can no longer produce highly evolved women and men the way they once did in the '50's, 60's and 70's. Unfortunately, they now sometimes become words people use to "shield their own dirty religion" under the Honorable Elijah Muhammad's good name.
The real purpose of Fard Muhammad was to provide the spiritual scientific framework for you and me to become gods and goddesses. It is not enough to praise the messenger and the Saviour. You and me must become "God in Person." You have to be able to truthfully say: "My name is W.F. Muhammad. I came to North America by myself (my Soul)."
We are constantly making the devil whenever we feed and nourish our lower selves and animal appetites. When we allow our egos to rule, instead of bringing our egos into submission to the indwelling divinity (Master Fard, Osiris, Shiva, Obatallah, etc.) we are grafting a devil.
Physical white people are not any more or less evil than physical Black people. Any person of any skin color can become devilish by the thoughts, emotions, feelings and actions they indulge.
Any person of any color can become "a true and living god" by the thoughts, emotions, feelings and actions they indulge.
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
"The stone that the builders refuse will be the head cornerstone"
response by UniverseSeven to my essay on Rastas, Gnostic Christianity, Freemasonry & The Stone the Builders Refused-
The apparent connection between Rastafarianism and the occult groups you named are because, as I stated above, the occult Knowledge is based on the Original Knowledge with fatal flaws/twists/changes; Rastas are students of the Original Knowledge and therein lies the connection.
The Bob Marley song quote (He wrote the song based on quotes from Jesus about the Cornertsone/Keystone) is implying that the Black Man is the Conerstone and that the builders of this world need the stone for the foundation to be solid, but the conerstone will be refused. Thus this world is coming to an end because the builders of this world will not choose,acknowledge the Stone that is the Truth, because the world they have built goes against the very Truth that is the key.
Original Masonry or Knowledge based in Truth is inherently good.
The apparent connection between Rastafarianism and the occult groups you named are because, as I stated above, the occult Knowledge is based on the Original Knowledge with fatal flaws/twists/changes; Rastas are students of the Original Knowledge and therein lies the connection.
The Bob Marley song quote (He wrote the song based on quotes from Jesus about the Cornertsone/Keystone) is implying that the Black Man is the Conerstone and that the builders of this world need the stone for the foundation to be solid, but the conerstone will be refused. Thus this world is coming to an end because the builders of this world will not choose,acknowledge the Stone that is the Truth, because the world they have built goes against the very Truth that is the key.
Original Masonry or Knowledge based in Truth is inherently good.
Supreme Mathematics
(1) Knowledge- is the accumulation of facts through observing, learning, and respecting. Knowledge is the foundation of all in existence, for it must be "known" in order to make it manifest. Knowledge is the "light" given off by our sun, which is the foundation of our solar system. Also the original man who is the foundation of Allahs family.
(2) Wisdom-is wise-words being spoken, or to speak knowledge (wise-dome meaning a wise-mind), and act according to it. Wisdom is water, or the vital building block of life. Wisdom is the original woman because through her cipher (womb) life is continued. It is also a reflection of one's knowledge, and is shown and proven by the moon being a reflection of the Sun's light (knowledge). Knowledge + the reflection of Knowledge = Wisdom (1+1=2).
(3) Understanding- is that which shows and proves the completion of knowledge and wisdom (man, woman, child). Understanding is a clear mental comprehension. It is the original child which is the star. The highest form of understanding is love, the bond between man and woman, or knowledge and wisdom.
(4) Culture/Freedom- Culture is one's way of living. Meaning one's language (wisdom), and customs (ways and actions). Freedom, is to have a 'free-dome', or to lack restraints. The Original man's culture is Islam (freedom, justice, and equality), which is peace.
(5) Power/Refinement- Power is force or creative energy. To "refine" is to perfect. Power is the truth which is Allah's mathematics. To Knowledge the Culture of Islam is to have Power.
(6) Equality- is the state, or quality of being equal. Meaning to deal equally with all in existence. Equality is achieved by teaching others Knowledge and Wisdom, making it Understood through understanding.
(7) GOD- Allah is god. The supreme being, black man who is the original, is god, Allah, lord of all the worlds, supreme ruler of the universe which is everything, sun, moon, and stars (god is the sun in the solar system, woman is moon, child is star).
(8) Build/Destroy- To build is to elevate the mentality of self, and others around self. To add-on positive energy to Allahs nation. To destroy is to ruin by allowing negativity to outweigh the positive.
(9) Born- is the completion of all in existence. To manifest from Knowledge to Born, which is the law of mathematics. To be complete in itself.
(O) Cipher- is a whole. All in existence pertains to a cipher.
(2) Wisdom-is wise-words being spoken, or to speak knowledge (wise-dome meaning a wise-mind), and act according to it. Wisdom is water, or the vital building block of life. Wisdom is the original woman because through her cipher (womb) life is continued. It is also a reflection of one's knowledge, and is shown and proven by the moon being a reflection of the Sun's light (knowledge). Knowledge + the reflection of Knowledge = Wisdom (1+1=2).
(3) Understanding- is that which shows and proves the completion of knowledge and wisdom (man, woman, child). Understanding is a clear mental comprehension. It is the original child which is the star. The highest form of understanding is love, the bond between man and woman, or knowledge and wisdom.
(4) Culture/Freedom- Culture is one's way of living. Meaning one's language (wisdom), and customs (ways and actions). Freedom, is to have a 'free-dome', or to lack restraints. The Original man's culture is Islam (freedom, justice, and equality), which is peace.
(5) Power/Refinement- Power is force or creative energy. To "refine" is to perfect. Power is the truth which is Allah's mathematics. To Knowledge the Culture of Islam is to have Power.
(6) Equality- is the state, or quality of being equal. Meaning to deal equally with all in existence. Equality is achieved by teaching others Knowledge and Wisdom, making it Understood through understanding.
(7) GOD- Allah is god. The supreme being, black man who is the original, is god, Allah, lord of all the worlds, supreme ruler of the universe which is everything, sun, moon, and stars (god is the sun in the solar system, woman is moon, child is star).
(8) Build/Destroy- To build is to elevate the mentality of self, and others around self. To add-on positive energy to Allahs nation. To destroy is to ruin by allowing negativity to outweigh the positive.
(9) Born- is the completion of all in existence. To manifest from Knowledge to Born, which is the law of mathematics. To be complete in itself.
(O) Cipher- is a whole. All in existence pertains to a cipher.
Peace, Light & Overstanding
When I was a kid, I remember being enamored with the concept of organic morality...what feels good(not sensually) but what you know in your heart/conscience/soul to be good IS GOOD...I know how it feels to be in conflict with yourself, making decisions that are harmful and self-destructive. I can't imagine how it would feel to do another man serious harm or death...I know it would not feel good whether it was in self-defense or whatever the context. Basically, I feel the golden rule/karma-dharma/ Qur’an 42.30 provides all the morality any sentient being needs...Overstanding cause and effect, the reaction your action will produce is not arguing hypotheticals or moral relativism...I think we are all endowed with the innate ability to discern right from wrong action...true, one's upbringing, parents, family, community all have huge influences on our ultimate morality/code of ethics...the most negative influence is our CULTURE of convinience and mindless entertainment, where children's creativity and free thought is stifled by their passive role in being entertained by media with no value or substance...I think it is through play that our morality is most powerfully shaped...in competitions, games and play acting situations to mimic what surrounds us.
Relativism seems closer to a Non-Aristolean understanding of the universe...for how many millenia has it been A or B? white or black? good or evil? Now as physics moves toward quantum mechanical models...This statement is neither true nor false but contains a degree of truth and a degree of fallacy...Quantum mechanics is aiming to see the A/B dichotomy along a gradiation...It is said that once in contact however brief and however long ago, atoms will share an inextricable record of the contact...I don't see relativism as an excuse for wrong action, it is more of an overstanding that "to every worker, his due wages" as the masons say...We reap what we sow, so the more we become conscious of the divinity inside all living beings the more impossible it becomes to harm or destroy that spark in yourself or others
Relativism seems closer to a Non-Aristolean understanding of the universe...for how many millenia has it been A or B? white or black? good or evil? Now as physics moves toward quantum mechanical models...This statement is neither true nor false but contains a degree of truth and a degree of fallacy...Quantum mechanics is aiming to see the A/B dichotomy along a gradiation...It is said that once in contact however brief and however long ago, atoms will share an inextricable record of the contact...I don't see relativism as an excuse for wrong action, it is more of an overstanding that "to every worker, his due wages" as the masons say...We reap what we sow, so the more we become conscious of the divinity inside all living beings the more impossible it becomes to harm or destroy that spark in yourself or others
Sunday, February 13, 2005
Scissor Sisters Cut Down Competition at Brit Awards

Scissor Sisters was the big winner at the Brit Awards, winning three honors Wednesday night in London. The New York-based dance/rock group won for best international group, breakthrough act and album at the Brit Awards, the British equivalent of the Grammys. The awards reflected the group's massive appeal in Britain, where "Scissor Sisters" was the best-selling album of 2004.
Thursday, February 03, 2005
I’m the guerilla in your midst,
situations deep like an abyss,
with this hyperactive vocabulary blitz,
unfamiliar like cinnamon on grits,
all the truth I understand is this,
God lives behind all our faces,
So what a disgrace it is to see
All these racists who still believe in races,
giving power to the labels that divide and displace us,
reactionary like acids and bases,
I’m sick of ignorant complacence,
A new age is dawning, this Aquarius morning,
New thoughts are forming like killer bees swarming,
bruised hearts are longing for something more than
soulless 9-5 until you’re not even alive,
but exploiting dreams is not a means no matter what the end is,
I hope they break me before I bend to fit their Barbie and Ken visions of happiness,
caught up in a trap the moment you kiss,
because if truth is light then society’s the black hole,
and I can’t seem to escape it’s gravitational pull.
So desperate to escape this life without a shape, feeling mentally raped.
Sinking so fast in these sands of time,
losing all my reasons just to find these rhymes.
No shoulders to cry on, no love to survive on, only the lies that go on and on.
So what should I do and to who should I turn,
when the only family I got left is my own sperm.
These seeds of self-destruction mom sowed in my soul,
first I killed her memory then I broke the hoe.
But now those thorny vines have grown deep roots,
the pain became mine as you tasted my fruits.
With the sweet juice dripping down that wicked grin,
drip slipping down your crooked chin,
I feared you though I never feared no men.
You smelled my fear like I smelled your hate,
I could never relate but now it’s far too late.
I was so scared of being bored but now I’m bored of being scared,
I sold the devil my soul and use my father’s instead.
And I lied about not crying about you
and all those things that I’ve tried without you,
while I wore your grin, while I wandered in sin,
wondering how it could have been, how it should have been,
like how it was back then, before I lost my twin
Still I know I’ll see you again, when we meet up in the light at the end…
situations deep like an abyss,
with this hyperactive vocabulary blitz,
unfamiliar like cinnamon on grits,
all the truth I understand is this,
God lives behind all our faces,
So what a disgrace it is to see
All these racists who still believe in races,
giving power to the labels that divide and displace us,
reactionary like acids and bases,
I’m sick of ignorant complacence,
A new age is dawning, this Aquarius morning,
New thoughts are forming like killer bees swarming,
bruised hearts are longing for something more than
soulless 9-5 until you’re not even alive,
but exploiting dreams is not a means no matter what the end is,
I hope they break me before I bend to fit their Barbie and Ken visions of happiness,
caught up in a trap the moment you kiss,
because if truth is light then society’s the black hole,
and I can’t seem to escape it’s gravitational pull.
So desperate to escape this life without a shape, feeling mentally raped.
Sinking so fast in these sands of time,
losing all my reasons just to find these rhymes.
No shoulders to cry on, no love to survive on, only the lies that go on and on.
So what should I do and to who should I turn,
when the only family I got left is my own sperm.
These seeds of self-destruction mom sowed in my soul,
first I killed her memory then I broke the hoe.
But now those thorny vines have grown deep roots,
the pain became mine as you tasted my fruits.
With the sweet juice dripping down that wicked grin,
drip slipping down your crooked chin,
I feared you though I never feared no men.
You smelled my fear like I smelled your hate,
I could never relate but now it’s far too late.
I was so scared of being bored but now I’m bored of being scared,
I sold the devil my soul and use my father’s instead.
And I lied about not crying about you
and all those things that I’ve tried without you,
while I wore your grin, while I wandered in sin,
wondering how it could have been, how it should have been,
like how it was back then, before I lost my twin
Still I know I’ll see you again, when we meet up in the light at the end…
sorry just fragments
To Whom it May Concern:
One thing attracted me to freemasonry above all else: the ideals of brotherly love, relief and truth. Most significant to me was my conception of brotherly love, overstanding and acting with the knowledge that every living being is a manifestation of the same energy and matter that links us all inextricably. Stardust and electricity. We are all ultimately of the same father and mother regardless of religious beliefs, skin tone, nationality, ancestry, language or wealth. This is the closest thing I have to a religious belief. It is conceived of in many different ways by many different cultures…the golden rule, karma, indra’s web, quantum mechanics, etc…So I expected to find this practiced in freemasonry. That has not been my experience nor my overstanding through research.
In actuality, freemasonry is divided into separate organizations for white and black masons. While “regular” freemasonry accepts or professes to accept men of all creeds and colors, this is not the practice in every lodge, especially in the southeastern US. Prince Hall Freemasonry does not profess to exclude men who are not of African origin and surely men of many ancestries have become Prince Hall masons, yet my experience was not necessarily welcoming either. As to whether women are included in the universal brotherhood of mankind, I kept my opinions to myself while I spent a year visiting two lodges. I think co-masonry and the O.T.O have it right. There is no universal without half the universe. So, I have come to observe and experience the hypocrisy rampant in freemasonry today. I have heard a group of master masons, who held stations in the lodge I visited, chortle with glee over the idea of “nuking every Islami-fascist in the Middle East” and fume over the “greedy entitlement of people of welfare.” I argued against the collective conservative consensus and the secretary of the lodge, one of those involved in the discussion, withdrew his signature from my petition.
I wanted to be in their secret society
So badly
I forgot what was inside of me
Questing when
All the answers I seek,
knowledge centuries deep
encoded in my DNA
dormant and asleep
Ruled by lust and desire
My will still weak
Growing more conscious
Of the illusions I see
Devils surround me
The imposter inside
Caged within mind
A spark of the divine
Calls upon I & I
To formulate this rhyme
this moment in time
One thing attracted me to freemasonry above all else: the ideals of brotherly love, relief and truth. Most significant to me was my conception of brotherly love, overstanding and acting with the knowledge that every living being is a manifestation of the same energy and matter that links us all inextricably. Stardust and electricity. We are all ultimately of the same father and mother regardless of religious beliefs, skin tone, nationality, ancestry, language or wealth. This is the closest thing I have to a religious belief. It is conceived of in many different ways by many different cultures…the golden rule, karma, indra’s web, quantum mechanics, etc…So I expected to find this practiced in freemasonry. That has not been my experience nor my overstanding through research.
In actuality, freemasonry is divided into separate organizations for white and black masons. While “regular” freemasonry accepts or professes to accept men of all creeds and colors, this is not the practice in every lodge, especially in the southeastern US. Prince Hall Freemasonry does not profess to exclude men who are not of African origin and surely men of many ancestries have become Prince Hall masons, yet my experience was not necessarily welcoming either. As to whether women are included in the universal brotherhood of mankind, I kept my opinions to myself while I spent a year visiting two lodges. I think co-masonry and the O.T.O have it right. There is no universal without half the universe. So, I have come to observe and experience the hypocrisy rampant in freemasonry today. I have heard a group of master masons, who held stations in the lodge I visited, chortle with glee over the idea of “nuking every Islami-fascist in the Middle East” and fume over the “greedy entitlement of people of welfare.” I argued against the collective conservative consensus and the secretary of the lodge, one of those involved in the discussion, withdrew his signature from my petition.
I wanted to be in their secret society
So badly
I forgot what was inside of me
Questing when
All the answers I seek,
knowledge centuries deep
encoded in my DNA
dormant and asleep
Ruled by lust and desire
My will still weak
Growing more conscious
Of the illusions I see
Devils surround me
The imposter inside
Caged within mind
A spark of the divine
Calls upon I & I
To formulate this rhyme
this moment in time
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