Sunday, July 29, 2007


The Raven has been dreaded as a bird of ill fortune; distruction and darkness; but in the spiritual world he is a bird who brings protection. He warns the forces of light of oncoming destruction and battle therefor giving us the power to guard and time for preparation. These destructive forces are a natural and necessary facet of life even though they are painful; but the raven's relationship to the forces of destruction does not mean he is the bringer of the destructive forces yet better considered the messenger.

The Raven is a bird of protection by warning the forces of light of upcoming destruction or battles; so they may prepare themselves. His association with destruction does not make him the bringer of it; but better yet the messenger. By heeding his warnings one is able to possibly change the impact of a situation even though they may not be able to change the inevitable. Like the Druids you can learn to read of the type of warning or message the Raven is sending you by learning to understand his flight behavior and even the sounds he makes. With The Raven as my totem I can tell if it is a betrayal; a death; a legal complication; or struggle with emotional issues by simply watching him when he comes to me. The Crow is also considered to be similar to the Raven in his qualities and energies.

The Raven brings powerful healing qualities by a process known as the resolutions of opposites. This meaning in darkness there is light; and in light there is darkness- death is necessary for rebirth- destruction is necessary for renewal. There must be death in order to make room for birth. By using this process of resolution of opposites we learn to resolve conflicts that have long lain buried in our unconscience or our past. There must be darkness if we are to emerge into the light. By his association with death he is also associated with depth.

The Raven is a bird of the Underworld; he has the ability to see into the past, the future, and beyond the veil of death. He has the great ability to travel from this world to the next; accessing the darkest regions bringing back visions and oracle instructions for the seeker and the healer. It is believed that the Raven is given as a gift from the Gods for the Seeker and the Healer. This totem guide was one of my biggest battles to accept as I was taken to these dark regions and saw many things in the Underworld that I did not care to see. I fought the Raven's knowledge in the beginning and this created a great fear for me; I prayed not to travel with him as I did not want to know of the destruction and death. I finally accepted the Raven and his gift and have learned to accept all knowledge good or bad. We must not be afraid of the darkness if we are to gain knowledge; take the plunge with the Raven into the dark depths and know that in doing so you are protected.

If you have embraced, accepted, and know Raven; you find affinites with his qualities and energies; an introduction to the Raven at a phase in your life may be an indication that he is urging you to hear his message; To accept destruction or death in your life as an opportunity for renewal or rebirth. Sometimes our lives may go through difficult dark times in order for better and brighter things to come. Our fear of the darkness is worse than anything we may find there.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Pancho, Nate & Anthony Caronia of "Playa del alma" fame

closing time at Xel-Ha

tucán guapo

main lagoon

uno más

Scarlet Macaw

The Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao) is a large, colourful parrot.
It is native to humid evergreen forests in the American tropics, from extreme eastern Mexico Peru and Brazil, in lowlands up to 500 meters (at least formerly up to 1000m). It has been widely extirpated by habitat destruction and capture for the pet trade. Formerly it ranged north to southern Tamaulipas. It can still be found on the island of Coiba. It is also the Honduran national bird


nadada con los delfines (swim with the dolphins)

Trip 3: Xel-Ha - Hammock Forest

swiss family robinson style


beach bungalows at ZAMAS tulum

sunset at ZAMAS

Susan and Daniel stumbled upon the coconut plantation while on their honeymoon. He always wanted to reconnect with his Mexican roots and she wanted to leave her corporate job to be close to her young children. They relocated from San Francisco in a '76 one ton Ford pickup with the license plate "2TULUM."

The transition from urban to jungle living was not easy. The tropical climate, the limited power and water resources, and the language and cultural differences all created challenges that seemed overwhelming at times. The "poco a poco" success mode of the local Mayan culture did not come naturally to the gung-ho pioneering couple.

Despite the steep learning curve, Susan and Daniel continued on, nurtured by the warm reception of so many guests and inspired by the resiliency of the local community. In this thriving enterprise, Daniel has found a love in creating architectural designs in beach-worn hues throughout the property; Susan has enjoyed her role as executive restaurateur.

Since it opened on Dec 17, 1993, ZAMAS, with its hip beachfront style, has enjoyed an eclectic and international clientele of fashion professionals, artists and actors, families, dot-comers and everyone in between. Susan and Daniel's vision was to create a great hang out, mixing colorful urban roots with the laid back local culture, jungle surroundings and tropical wildlife. Their devoted clientele has spread the word and made ZAMAS one of the most popular spots in Tulum today.

Susan, Daniel and their children are grateful for the many personal relations that ZAMAS has introduced in their lives and look forward to many more to come.

Bienvenidos a ZAMAS...

parting shots

helmet head

no mortar

iguana gordo

south towards punta allen

caribbean blue

view north towards playa

wish we'd brought a cooler

tiemplo del serie primero (temple of the initial series)

The beginning of the Tulum's construction can be dated inside the Temple of the Initial Series

El Castillo

This, the largest structure at Tulum, is called "El Castillo", which means "the castle". It really isn't a castle at all, mainly used for sacrifice and ritual celebration, with the king making his royal proclamations (sometimes involving death sentences), from the very top of its staircase.

In recent years it has been discovered that Tulum was a primary point for nighttime navigation since lights were allocated in the windows of El Castillo, its principal building, perfectly orienting sailors traveling to the north and south and preventing them from hitting the reefs that line the coast.

tiemplo del dios descendente (temple of the diving god)

The Diving God is the most important god in Tulum. He is interpreted to be god descending from the heavens to receive the offerings of men. The corners outside the temple are decorated with stucco masks.

nube (cloud)

cielo y piedra (heaven & rock)

el castillo arriba la selva (the castle above the jungle)

una entrada (one way into the city)

While an inscription dated 564 has been found at the site, most of the structures now visible were built in the Post-Classic Era, between about 1200 and 1450. The city remained occupied through the early years of the Spanish conquest of Yucatán, but was abandoned in by the end of the 16th century. Local Maya continued to visit the temples to burn incense and pray until the late 20th century, when tourists visiting the site became too numerous.

tiemplo del viento (temple of the wind)

casa de cenoté

taking it in

into the light

mexican corvid (raven family)

2nd trip: Las Ruinas de Tulum

chilling like a reptillian

how deep? ¿como hondo?

adios sol

200 ft deep and crystal clear

secret cenoté

cangrejos azules (blue crabs)

new hemp bracelet

I told you it was like this

