coincidences...I've definitely been trying to better attend them. First, a few weeks ago Cosso is talking story in the morning at work about how hot it was the night before and tossing and turning trying to get cool and KNEEING his girl in the back and her waking him up yelling, "what the hell did you do that for!?!" It was hot that night and I remembered tossing and turning a little myself and damn everyone knows how hard it is to keep cool on those rare hot summer nights in SF without no fans or AC. OK...I get home and I'm smoking on the porch with April and talking story...Not really the most interesting day I've ever had so I start telling Cosso's story. April's eyes go big and she almost drops her cigarette...turns out I had KNEED her in the back last night too. I just sleep a little deeper than Cosso and she couldn't have woke me up unless she kneed me back... so, gracefully, she went back to sleep. Weird, yes. Significant? ? idea.
Now back to present day...two weeks later...I'm getting excited about the masonic picnic April and I are going to tomorrow. Reading up on the history according to Manly P. Hall and really digging his p.o.v. esoterically speaking that is..connecting the dots between ancient mystery schools of Egypt, Greece and Rome and the craft. A few at the lodge don't like Mr. Hall and a few recommend him. I definitely plan on reading The Lost Keys of Freemasonry before I undertake any degree ritual. He supposedly wrote that before he was 21 and without ever belonging to any lodge and in it details blue lodge masonry and the allegory and symbolism behind the first three degree rituals. Whoa...way off track. So, I'm perusing Hall's organization website:(
and I see this book by him:
which trips some sort of alarm in my head and I run over to my bookshelf to see my very own copy of JOURNEY IN TRUTH by Manly P. Hall. At first I have no idea how that book got on my shelf when I was so desperate to read something by him just a few seconds before. Physical manifestation of thelemic will? Naw...I got it as a bithday present from Nicole when I was working as a YMCA camp counselor in Wilmington, NC one summer. She msut have known I would need it some day. I'm starting to pay more attention.
Friday, July 23, 2004
Sunday, July 18, 2004
Thursday, July 15, 2004
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
surprise, surprise...

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Spending your entire life searching various forms of philosophy and religion, you choose to observe everything and believe little. You're personality is one of truth seeking, nature respecting and god/goddess accepting. Lastly, you don't judge anyone, but if annoyed, you will exact some form of revenge. You don't believe in the Three-Fold Law.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Spending your entire life searching various forms of philosophy and religion, you choose to observe everything and believe little. You're personality is one of truth seeking, nature respecting and god/goddess accepting. Lastly, you don't judge anyone, but if annoyed, you will exact some form of revenge. You don't believe in the Three-Fold Law.
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Enneagram Test Results
Conscious self | Overall self |
Famous 8w7 People: donald trump, andie mcdowell, rosie o'donnell, roseanne, courtney love
Enneagram Test Results
Your Unconscious-Overall type is 8w7 |
Myers-Briggs-Jung Test Results
INTP - "Architect". Greatest precision in thought and language. Can readily discern contradictions and inconsistencies. The world exists primarily to be understood. 3.3% of total population. |
loner, more interested in intellectual pursuits than relationships or family, wrestles with the meaninglessness of existence, likes esoteric things, disorganized, messy, likes science fiction, lonely, observer, private, can't describe feelings easily, detached, likes solitude, not revealing, unemotional, rule breaker, avoidant, familiar with the darkside, skeptical, acts without consulting others, does not think they are weird but others do, socially uncomfortable, abrupt, fantasy prone, does not like happy people, appreciates strangeness, frequently loses things, acts without planning, guarded, not punctual, pro-weed, not prone to compromise, hard to persuade, relies on mind more than on others, calm
Monday, July 12, 2004
some old thoughts...circa 1999
Just as the devil has many faces, I've seen many places
And I’ve got no more patience for our total complacence
All I hate is these racists who still believe in races
Just labels to divide and displace us
Make us reactionary like acids and bases
An if you don't like my looks, then avert your faces
Cause I got this light skin but a darker flow
An I don't need religion cause there's truth in my soul
My life's education worth more than ice and gold
I've learnt that salvation can't be bought or sold
Sometimes my love feels frozen and cold
Then all I really need is to pack a bowl
My mind is young, but my spirit's old
I've forgotten everything that I've ever been told
Now all I know is how to rock a show
With some wicked prose, It's the path I chose
Because when I speak is when I feel relief
Which strengthens my belief that we're all just love thieves
Stealing that feeling from whoever we can
Trying to find our places in this master plan
My eyes aren't new by now they've seen plenty
Just like pride has bent me and hate has spent me
I'm so sorry you leant me your heart...
But you had mine right from the start
I was so scared of being bored
Til I got bored of being scared
I sold the devil my soul and
So now I use my father's instead
Back when I lost him
it was like I lost my twin
Castor and Pollux
So I didn’t know where to begin
I thought I'd wander in sin
Break before I bend
Die before I spend
My life not lived by
the rules
I’ve tried so hard
not to forget
And I’ve got no more patience for our total complacence
All I hate is these racists who still believe in races
Just labels to divide and displace us
Make us reactionary like acids and bases
An if you don't like my looks, then avert your faces
Cause I got this light skin but a darker flow
An I don't need religion cause there's truth in my soul
My life's education worth more than ice and gold
I've learnt that salvation can't be bought or sold
Sometimes my love feels frozen and cold
Then all I really need is to pack a bowl
My mind is young, but my spirit's old
I've forgotten everything that I've ever been told
Now all I know is how to rock a show
With some wicked prose, It's the path I chose
Because when I speak is when I feel relief
Which strengthens my belief that we're all just love thieves
Stealing that feeling from whoever we can
Trying to find our places in this master plan
My eyes aren't new by now they've seen plenty
Just like pride has bent me and hate has spent me
I'm so sorry you leant me your heart...
But you had mine right from the start
I was so scared of being bored
Til I got bored of being scared
I sold the devil my soul and
So now I use my father's instead
Back when I lost him
it was like I lost my twin
Castor and Pollux
So I didn’t know where to begin
I thought I'd wander in sin
Break before I bend
Die before I spend
My life not lived by
the rules
I’ve tried so hard
not to forget
off the top of my head
Off the top of my head and from the bottom of my heart
Guess who’s back from the dead with some wisdom to impart
Because time asks those questions with no easy answers
And if it isn't your heart, then it'll probably be cancer
InI see us eating our dreams just to fill our bellies
That’s why I don't buy the faith that religion's selling
So they call me a devil and call me a heathen
I just call them blind and then I call it even
And if you really believe a church will save your soul…
That salvation’s something to be bought and sold
Then stuff your dollars in their collection trays
And at the gates of heaven… tell their god you paid
I pray Jesus will save earth from his own believers
and their institutions of immoral thievery
I know the son of man was never a god
And nobody but me will ever be my lord
So forgive this heresy and forgive these sins
But when you try to convert me, you ain’t never gonna win
Cause my body’ll break before my mind’ll bend
And know that holy bible was written by men
And that there's a few chapters that ya’ll haven't read
So listen up and listen up real good
And let me make one thing well understood
God can’t be found in churches of wood and stone
But in every molecule of every bone
The only god I know lives inside our souls
An he doesn't want us to bow
He wants us to grow
To see the light in all mankind
And the beauty in the chaos
Of this whole design…
Guess who’s back from the dead with some wisdom to impart
Because time asks those questions with no easy answers
And if it isn't your heart, then it'll probably be cancer
InI see us eating our dreams just to fill our bellies
That’s why I don't buy the faith that religion's selling
So they call me a devil and call me a heathen
I just call them blind and then I call it even
And if you really believe a church will save your soul…
That salvation’s something to be bought and sold
Then stuff your dollars in their collection trays
And at the gates of heaven… tell their god you paid
I pray Jesus will save earth from his own believers
and their institutions of immoral thievery
I know the son of man was never a god
And nobody but me will ever be my lord
So forgive this heresy and forgive these sins
But when you try to convert me, you ain’t never gonna win
Cause my body’ll break before my mind’ll bend
And know that holy bible was written by men
And that there's a few chapters that ya’ll haven't read
So listen up and listen up real good
And let me make one thing well understood
God can’t be found in churches of wood and stone
But in every molecule of every bone
The only god I know lives inside our souls
An he doesn't want us to bow
He wants us to grow
To see the light in all mankind
And the beauty in the chaos
Of this whole design…
Saturday, July 10, 2004
Until do what thou wilt...
Until do what thou wilt
shall be the whole of the law
Until the multiverse is free
from faith in dogma
The powerslaves downpress I
With their old world order
Me say war
War on all state
War on all faiths
War on all streets
Can’t tell I what to believe
We seh war
Anarchist Capitalists
Creating chaotic bliss
Programmed by the cosmic serpent
To restore the balance
Orgonic Resonance
Illuminating the crypt
Inside our minds we slip
Away on psyilocibin trips
Ouwitting piss tests
their laws
High above our overlords
Ishmaelian flaming swords
Communes of tribal hordes
Conquering their boredom
My mind this aether-net
Connect, introspect then
Detect your true specs
Cyberpunk assassins
Har-bingers of disaster
Evolutionary reactions
To a millennium in traction
The Gnostic fraction
Sill rages in the pages of history
Still fights to be free
from the hypocrisy
of this democracy
The quest begins and ends
Inside of We
No External Authority
Will ever set I free
Star Soul Self I seek
Subsonic bass phreak
Self-program tweaker
It gets so much deeper
Than Atlantis’ runes
Beneath Giza’s
Catacombs inside
The nucleus of shrooms
De-oxy Ribo-nucleic Tunes
The composer is you
Just like Lude-wig Von
Beethovan’s Neutrons
Protrons n Electrons
They rigged the last elections
On alpha-primate directives
Watching the watchmen with
Cybernetic psychic detectives
I am what I blurb
The time-traveling verb
Taking root like the herb
Penetrating the earth
Illuminating the dirt
All souls externally exist
Each individual, ultimate
Orgone energy
never created
Nor destroyed
Resisting the void
Never Destroyed
Star souls rejoice
Like James of Ulysses fame
Carl Jung said the same
Nothing different
but the names
The energy remains
Infiltrates brains
To be reborn again
As an Aquarian
Where thought meets reality
The synergy of matter -we
shall be the whole of the law
Until the multiverse is free
from faith in dogma
The powerslaves downpress I
With their old world order
Me say war
War on all state
War on all faiths
War on all streets
Can’t tell I what to believe
We seh war
Anarchist Capitalists
Creating chaotic bliss
Programmed by the cosmic serpent
To restore the balance
Orgonic Resonance
Illuminating the crypt
Inside our minds we slip
Away on psyilocibin trips
Ouwitting piss tests
their laws
High above our overlords
Ishmaelian flaming swords
Communes of tribal hordes
Conquering their boredom
My mind this aether-net
Connect, introspect then
Detect your true specs
Cyberpunk assassins
Har-bingers of disaster
Evolutionary reactions
To a millennium in traction
The Gnostic fraction
Sill rages in the pages of history
Still fights to be free
from the hypocrisy
of this democracy
The quest begins and ends
Inside of We
No External Authority
Will ever set I free
Star Soul Self I seek
Subsonic bass phreak
Self-program tweaker
It gets so much deeper
Than Atlantis’ runes
Beneath Giza’s
Catacombs inside
The nucleus of shrooms
De-oxy Ribo-nucleic Tunes
The composer is you
Just like Lude-wig Von
Beethovan’s Neutrons
Protrons n Electrons
They rigged the last elections
On alpha-primate directives
Watching the watchmen with
Cybernetic psychic detectives
I am what I blurb
The time-traveling verb
Taking root like the herb
Penetrating the earth
Illuminating the dirt
All souls externally exist
Each individual, ultimate
Orgone energy
never created
Nor destroyed
Resisting the void
Never Destroyed
Star souls rejoice
Like James of Ulysses fame
Carl Jung said the same
Nothing different
but the names
The energy remains
Infiltrates brains
To be reborn again
As an Aquarian
Where thought meets reality
The synergy of matter -we
To all the librarians in Wilmington, NC...
August 9, 2001
Dear Librarians,
I am composing this letter in an effort to apologize for my actions in the Wilmington Public Library on July 20th. While I can replace neither the time nor energy you were forced to expend due to my behavior that day, I do hope you will accept my apology for the trauma I caused you by asking you to reprint those job listings that had the phone numbers cut off.
A public service job requires one to be patient and accommodating to patrons, but now I realize that I, too, am charged with the responsibility of being understanding when you believe circumstances are out of your control. In addition I would like to apologize for questioning your competency and becoming agitated when your responses were not to my satisfaction. While patience has never been one of my strongest suites, this hellish experience at the hands of your comrades at the Wilmington PD will remind me to make a more concerted effort to do so in the future.
Again, I extend my sincerest apologies for violating your policies, as well as the interruption in your demanding work responsibilities at the library. I appreciate your consideration and hope you will find it somewhere in your hearts to forgive me when you feel ready.
Humbled by the grace of god(...and those billyclubs),
Jonathon Michael Jacob
Dear Librarians,
I am composing this letter in an effort to apologize for my actions in the Wilmington Public Library on July 20th. While I can replace neither the time nor energy you were forced to expend due to my behavior that day, I do hope you will accept my apology for the trauma I caused you by asking you to reprint those job listings that had the phone numbers cut off.
A public service job requires one to be patient and accommodating to patrons, but now I realize that I, too, am charged with the responsibility of being understanding when you believe circumstances are out of your control. In addition I would like to apologize for questioning your competency and becoming agitated when your responses were not to my satisfaction. While patience has never been one of my strongest suites, this hellish experience at the hands of your comrades at the Wilmington PD will remind me to make a more concerted effort to do so in the future.
Again, I extend my sincerest apologies for violating your policies, as well as the interruption in your demanding work responsibilities at the library. I appreciate your consideration and hope you will find it somewhere in your hearts to forgive me when you feel ready.
Humbled by the grace of god(...and those billyclubs),
Jonathon Michael Jacob
Why I really left Laredo, TX...
written may 2003
After I graduated from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill with a degree in Journalism & Mass Communications in May of 2001, I worked as a dishwasher in an Indonesian restaurant for 2 months while I searched for a job in television news. In late July of 2001, I was offered a job as morning producer for KGNS Pro 8 News in Laredo, Texas. The station faxed an employment contract to me and gave me 24 hours to decide whether or not to accept the position. I was never offered, nor had the opportunity to visit Laredo and KGNS before I signed the employment contract. I paid my own moving expenses and relocation costs necessary to accept the job and began working for Pro 8 News.
The contract stated I would make $7.93 and hour with the opportunity to earn overtime. I assumed that overtime would be at least my regular hourly wage. However, when I received my first paycheck it was lower than expected. KGNS had unilaterally altered the terms of the contract to my material detriment. Instead of paying me $7.93 an hour with overtime they had changed my employee status to exempt at a salary of $16,000 a year. When I approached the general manager about the changes to my contract without my consent, Mary Nell Sanchez said the station was under investigation by the Texas Wage and Labor Board and was being compelled to change the station’s overtime policy. The new overtime policy would pay employees half their regular hourly wage for each hour of overtime worked. I voiced my displeasure about the changes and was told I could leave if I did not like them. However, after paying for my relocation out of my own pocket, I lacked the money to move again so I continued performance of my duties under the contract in good faith although they were in breach of the contract. If I had been paid under the terms of the contract I had signed, working an average of 50 hours a week, I would have made over $20,000 dollars a year. $4000 more than I was actually being paid. I spoke with the General Manager two more times regarding the changes made to my compensation under the contract and never received a satisfactory reply.
After four months as producer of the morning and noon news, I was promoted to the 6 & 10pm evening newscasts. Along with this promotion came a $2,000 a year raise, but I never signed a new contract or received a new title. After producing the 6 & 10pm newscasts for a month, our entire Spanish news team resigned en masse and walked off the job on the same day. Subsequently, I became responsible for producing the 5 pm newscast along with my other duties. I performed this additional duty without complaint nor additional compensation until a new producer could be found. During this period I began to look for new employment that would pay me at least as much as I had expected to make under the terms of contract I had signed with KGNS.
I eventually interviewed with KMOL in San Antonio and was hired as an associate producer making $29,000 a year. I put in two weeks notice of my resignation at KGNS and prepared to leave for the new job. One week before I was to leave, I received a call from Anne Nau, Executive Producer at KMOL. Anne Nau told me the General Manger of KGNS; Mary Nell Sanchez had threatened to sue KMOL if they went through with my hiring. I insisted I was not under contract to KGNS because they had breached my contract upon my arrival in Laredo and she asked me to fax her a copy of the contract. As I was faxing her the contract, I was called into the General Manger’s office along with KGNS Executive Producer, Richard Rocha. In Mary Nell Sanchez’s office she told me she and spoken to KMOL and planned on suing both KMOL and myself if I tried to work there. I again voiced my opinion that KGNS had breached their contract with me first and that I was free to pursue other employment since they were not paying me according to the terms of my contract. She called me a “traitor” and said I had “betrayed the station” before suspending me without pay for a week and demoting me back to the morning show. She also said she would make use of her extensive contacts to ensure that I could not work for any other station in Texas or the rest of the nation. KMOL retracted their job offer in the face of litigation by KGNS and I went through with my resignation, leaving KGNS on May 31, 2002. I subsequently moved to Orlando spent the summer building houses for a construction company before I got a job selling cars with Saturn of Orlando. I have been selling an average of thirty cars a month for the last year but the experience has made me realize how much I miss having a passion for my work.
After I graduated from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill with a degree in Journalism & Mass Communications in May of 2001, I worked as a dishwasher in an Indonesian restaurant for 2 months while I searched for a job in television news. In late July of 2001, I was offered a job as morning producer for KGNS Pro 8 News in Laredo, Texas. The station faxed an employment contract to me and gave me 24 hours to decide whether or not to accept the position. I was never offered, nor had the opportunity to visit Laredo and KGNS before I signed the employment contract. I paid my own moving expenses and relocation costs necessary to accept the job and began working for Pro 8 News.
The contract stated I would make $7.93 and hour with the opportunity to earn overtime. I assumed that overtime would be at least my regular hourly wage. However, when I received my first paycheck it was lower than expected. KGNS had unilaterally altered the terms of the contract to my material detriment. Instead of paying me $7.93 an hour with overtime they had changed my employee status to exempt at a salary of $16,000 a year. When I approached the general manager about the changes to my contract without my consent, Mary Nell Sanchez said the station was under investigation by the Texas Wage and Labor Board and was being compelled to change the station’s overtime policy. The new overtime policy would pay employees half their regular hourly wage for each hour of overtime worked. I voiced my displeasure about the changes and was told I could leave if I did not like them. However, after paying for my relocation out of my own pocket, I lacked the money to move again so I continued performance of my duties under the contract in good faith although they were in breach of the contract. If I had been paid under the terms of the contract I had signed, working an average of 50 hours a week, I would have made over $20,000 dollars a year. $4000 more than I was actually being paid. I spoke with the General Manager two more times regarding the changes made to my compensation under the contract and never received a satisfactory reply.
After four months as producer of the morning and noon news, I was promoted to the 6 & 10pm evening newscasts. Along with this promotion came a $2,000 a year raise, but I never signed a new contract or received a new title. After producing the 6 & 10pm newscasts for a month, our entire Spanish news team resigned en masse and walked off the job on the same day. Subsequently, I became responsible for producing the 5 pm newscast along with my other duties. I performed this additional duty without complaint nor additional compensation until a new producer could be found. During this period I began to look for new employment that would pay me at least as much as I had expected to make under the terms of contract I had signed with KGNS.
I eventually interviewed with KMOL in San Antonio and was hired as an associate producer making $29,000 a year. I put in two weeks notice of my resignation at KGNS and prepared to leave for the new job. One week before I was to leave, I received a call from Anne Nau, Executive Producer at KMOL. Anne Nau told me the General Manger of KGNS; Mary Nell Sanchez had threatened to sue KMOL if they went through with my hiring. I insisted I was not under contract to KGNS because they had breached my contract upon my arrival in Laredo and she asked me to fax her a copy of the contract. As I was faxing her the contract, I was called into the General Manger’s office along with KGNS Executive Producer, Richard Rocha. In Mary Nell Sanchez’s office she told me she and spoken to KMOL and planned on suing both KMOL and myself if I tried to work there. I again voiced my opinion that KGNS had breached their contract with me first and that I was free to pursue other employment since they were not paying me according to the terms of my contract. She called me a “traitor” and said I had “betrayed the station” before suspending me without pay for a week and demoting me back to the morning show. She also said she would make use of her extensive contacts to ensure that I could not work for any other station in Texas or the rest of the nation. KMOL retracted their job offer in the face of litigation by KGNS and I went through with my resignation, leaving KGNS on May 31, 2002. I subsequently moved to Orlando spent the summer building houses for a construction company before I got a job selling cars with Saturn of Orlando. I have been selling an average of thirty cars a month for the last year but the experience has made me realize how much I miss having a passion for my work.
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