I definitely believe in magic and fairy tales...to some extent every fantastic story, fairy tale and nursery rhyme we've ever heard is true is some sense...whoever wrote them had to get the idea from somewhere, part of our collective unconscious, the veiled connections and shared ancient memories we all contain...I think magic is just the manifestation of ideas and will into physical reality...anybody with a shopping list is familar with a low grade of magic...you desire honey and bread, so your body is the vehicle to transform that desire into reality...On a larger scale, our long term plans and dreams (college, marriage, children) are better examples of magic...will manifesting into reality through effort and ritual...I've been trying to think of how to put the connection I see between rastafarianism, rosicrucianism, freemasonry and the original gnostic christians into words...so here goes...I think modern Freemasonry arose as a resistance to the Inquisition...the intolerance of the Catholic church for heretics, other forms of Christianity, science and any dissent was as dark a period as any in history...modern freemasonry based upon tolerance and universal brotherhood arose during the inquisition as a opposing and balancing force...the secret of freemasonry is the same as the ancient secret of gnostic christianity, the Knights Templar, the Rosicrucians, and later the Ordo Templi Orientis under Aleister Crowley...this secret has lately become sanitized and popualrized in Dan Brown's "The Davinci Code"...The theory runs that Jesus was flesh and blood, a man, who was not chaste as the church would have us believe, but in fact married to Mary Magdalene and the father of children with her (a bloodline known as the Merovignians)...the holy grail was not a chalice at all but the holy bloodline of christ which survives to this day under the protection of another secret society called the Priory of Scion...that was as far as "The Davinci Code" took it...lately I stumbled across something that takes the story further...some say Jesus and Mary practiced sex magic rituals which were the source of the power behind the many miraculous workings...they say it was Mary who actually initiated Jesus into a sex magic order descended from ancient egyptian rituals...Jesus would base his own myth upon the myth of Osiris, the dead and risen god, that he actually had himself crucified to experience near physical death and actually live out the myth of Osiris, resurrected through Mary in his children...so the secret is sex and ritualized sex magic...the uniting of opposites..the word rosicrucian means roughly, rosy cross...rose=vagina and cross=penis... when combined in sexual union communion with the divine can be achieved...actual gnosis...or direct experience of god. So the great secret of all these orders is...that the holy grail, the sacrament of Jesus Christ himself was the comingled sexual secretions of man and woman mixed together and consumed...Freemasonry performs charitable works in the name of "The Widow's Son"...the widow is Mary and the son is both the resurrected spirit of Christ and the actual bloodline of Jesus and Mary (the Merogvignians)...Freemasonry's most guarded secret is that they are the descendants of the original gnostic christians followers of Christ before a church was ever created to pervert, distort and glaze over the teachings of Christ they didn't like...Jesus himself cautions against this in the Gospels of Christ that were discovered in the dead sea scolls..."search not for me in buildings of wood and stone." I would venture to guess 95% of Freemasons either are unaware of or don't believe this connection and just enjoy the fraternal aspects of the organization or the good works they do....Many of the concepts and ideas expressed in rastafarian lyrics reflect the same ideals of tolerance and universal brotherhood that make up the foundation of freemasonry and gnostic christianity...I and I (never me and you, no distinction between individual beings, instead conceptualizing that we are all just different expressions of one supreme force/energy/being...different vessels of the divine love)...Rastafarians always refer to Jesus as the "son of man" for obvious reasons...they warn against a Babylon system of oppressive and misguided authority...which would be the organized religion which tells the poor to suffer in this world while waiting to reap the rewards in the next...as bob marley sang,
"...Preacher man don't tell me heaven is under the earth
I know you don't know what life is really worth
Is not all that glitters in gold and
Half the story has never been told
So now you see the light, aay
Stand up for your right. Come on
Most people think great God will come from the sky
Take away ev'rything, and make ev'rybody feel high
But if you know what life is worth
You would look for yours on earth."
To build on the connection between the lyrics above and Freemasonry...consider this from Robert Anton Wilson's "The Widow's Son"...Wilson is either quoting from a defense of freemasonry by a priest named Henri Benoit around 1797 or he wrote a beautiful summary of the purpose of speculative masonry..."Every Christian, of every sect, prays in church on Sunday, "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, ON EARTH as it is in heaven." Not one in a thousand stops to think what these words mean; not one in ten thousand dares to imagine that they could mean exactly what they say...Speculative Masonry is the coherent will of all those committed to the Great Work of achieving the meaning of the Lord's Prayer, so that the mind of the Great Architect of the Universe will be manifest, not only in the marvelous harmony of the stars at night but in the daily lives of men and women everywhere- on earth as it is in heaven."
Another connection between masonry and rastafariansim is the cornerstone concept...
In the gospel according to Mary Magdalene,..."Peter asks Jesus "Who sent thee?"...Jesus answers, "The cornerstone that the builders rejected is the place from which I came."
this is significant in the master mark degree of masonry...
"The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner"
-Psalms 118:22
"It was customary for Operative Masons to select for themselves a Mark, to be placed upon every piece of work wrought by them. Each Mark was distinctive. These Marks may be seen today on the stones in old cathedrals of Europe. A report made to the Grand Mark Lodge of England states "There is probably no Degree in Freemasonry that can lay claim to greater antiquity than this one." -http://www3.telus.net/jcw/ram/invitation.htm
bob marley sang,
"The stone that the builder refuse
Will always be the head cornerstone-a;
The stone that the builder refuse
Will always be the head cornerstone.
You're a builder, baby;
Here I am, a stone.
Don't you pick and refuse me,
'Cause the things people refuse
Are the things they should choose.
Do you 'ear me? Hear what I say!"
the cornerstone concept can even be found on the back of a U.S. one dollar bill...
"On the reverse, is the All Seeing Eye within a triangle surrounded by a golden glory. Besides the obvious Masonic signifance of this design, it has a cabalistic value of seventy plus three plus two hundred equaling two hundred and seventy-three (273) which is the value of the phrase EHBEN MOSU HABONIM (the stone which the builders refused) familar to all Royal Arch Masons." -http://home.att.net/~presidents/trivia2.htm
Well enough trivia and conspiracy theory for one afternoon...there is a connection between everything if you're obsessive enough to really look for it...just like you can use the bible to justify killing in the name of...I hope I haven't offended you in any way, I don't even believe half of what I say...
Friday, July 09, 2004
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