Saturday, December 11, 2004

RAW did you write this or is it a quote??

consider this from Robert Anton Wilson's "The Widow's Son"...Wilson is either quoting from a defense of freemasonry by a priest named Henri Benoit around 1797 or he wrote a beautiful summary of the purpose of speculative masonry
..."Every Christian, of every sect, prays in church on Sunday, "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, ON EARTH as it is in heaven." Not one in a thousand stops to think what these words mean; not one in ten thousand dares to imagine that they could mean exactly what they say...Speculative Masonry is the coherent will of all those committed to the Great Work of achieving the meaning of the Lord's Prayer, so that the mind of the Great Architect of the Universe will be manifest, not only in the marvelous harmony of the stars at night but in the daily lives of men and women everywhere- on earth as it is in heaven."

RAW if it is a quote can you provide some context, like where you found it and what you think of it...

If it is your my next tattoo

I wrote it...trying to imagine why an intelligent
18th Century Jesuit wd become a freemason

The fun of writing fiction, like acting, lies
in escaping yr.self and becoming an Italian
terrorist, a bisexual nobleman, a
shaman etc- even a Jesuit mason...

What a perfect demonstration of cosmic mind, indra's net and all the other FRED we've been ranting about...I think therefore I am?

Is the only barrier to experiencing "mystical oneness" your imagination?

As a gemini, I pride myself on adapting to or adjusting myself to fit any situation...even if it means acting or taking up views I don't usually...Whether my inspriation is a fictional character (Sigismundo) or a "real" person I admire, I really enjoy the attempt to jump into other reality tunnels. Many times I lose sight of who/what I was before the acting, mimicking, adaptation began and end up incorporating it into myself as another aspect of my personal experience. I find this especially helpful as a salesman since mirroring the accent, tone and mood of my clients seems to sell more than being "myself"

Pacing and Leading, hey Johnny G? Do you know any NLP theory, or are you just a 'natural'?

[I am not being offensive - that very question (or are you just what we call a 'natural'?) was asked of me by a committee member when I applied to The Arts Council for a training bursary to study mime...and they saw how little formal training I had, in spite of an extended resume as a performer. It's a snobbery against 'circus arts' that they don't consider them 'arts' when it comes to funding!]

If so...all I know about it I read in RAW's books...I googled it some and it looks like many corporations have turned it into a sales/marketing training course/tool...I have had no training and would love to consider myself a natural...but most of my luck with this stuff is from mimicing my environment or company.

Have lived in in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Florida, Hawaii, North Carolina, Mexico for spells which has blurred my natural accent to the point where most say I don't have one.

When I lived in Hawaii, they hated haoles so I affected a pidgin english accent to seem more "local"

When I lived in Mexico, I had lighter skin than most so I incorporated as much slang and border spanglish into my vocab to gain the confidence of co-workers and neighbors.

Whenever I visit my fiancee's parents in rural north carolina, I develop a keen interest in NASCAR, BBQ and a slow drawl to not seem so alien to her parents

My college friend James is from Trinidad and speaks "proper english" which I imitated whenever we hung when his folks came for graduation I put on the accent and they thought I must be from Trinidad too.

The funny thing is...I can't just throw on a accent or demeanor at the drop of a hat or request...I need about a minute or so to absorb whatever I want to mimic before I can project it myself.

Bogus, can you speak on some of your experiences/training with NLP and the"circus arts"?

Ah well, I am not trained in NLP (I did a two-day weekend ONCE). I just read a lot of their stuff - and am currently investigating similar material from the conjuring/magic fraternity. Be clear, that NLP founders did not invent this stuff - they studied 'naturals' like Virginia Satir, and Milton Erickson and tried to generalise what it was that effective therapists did to see if it could be taught.

So this may just be 'blokes' learning the hard way what good communicators and mosbunall women know already!

It's funny - what you describe is chameleonic behaviour - which I can identify with - I can't 'do accents' at all, and never really got into acting that much - but I have the same tendency to blend in when travelling.

As to circus skills - that was my main thing for decades - something I researched when it seemed like a dying art - but New Circus (without animals) is now vigorous and thriving, without much more input from me. I am about to become a Trustee of a community circus that I helped found 20 years ago, which has become a charity - but you won't catch me juggling much any more (I kinda fell out of love with it as a pastime).

So many things to try - so little time!

In the main forum (if you have access) I posted quite a lot in free range/different kinds of magic but here's a few links from there:

* Diatribes on The Diatribe of NLP, Or, How To Learn To Communicate So Well You Forget How To Talk Like A Human Being is a magician and mentalist being funny about the NLP people who didn't know a lot of this had been invented by the show-biz folks
* (magic, not magick, world)
* This guy is into therapy, NLP, conjuring AND ritual magic (!) main site conjuring/Derren Brown Ritual Magic

Perhaps it's a coincidence his initials are A.A.

"That which we call knowledge is ignorance surrounded by laughter." - Charles Fort

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