Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Further Adventures in Masonry

my maternal great grandfather was also a mason but he also died before I was born...

I posted my experience right after it happened last Thursday night...On Friday I got a call from the Worshipful Master about to be installed

He and I had a good talk and told me that even if I was not interested in pursuing masonry further I would be wise to make peace with the 2 brothers I had conflict with. I agreed and asked him if I was welcome to return next thursday...I plan on going back an apologizing for bringing my politics into the lodge and for losing control of my passions, I will not apologize for my politics or ideals so we'll see how it goes. He asked me what brought me to masonry, what I am seeking and what I expect...the last question gave me some pause and I admitted I had no idea...I would be swearing oaths to secrecy on something which I KNOW NOTHING....he insinuated that most of masonry's secrets are readily available to anyone looking, especially the rituals so I spent all day readin the first 3 entered apprentice, fellow craft and master mason...The problem is just as I told the worhsipful master, NO LACK OF INFORMATION...BUT HOW DO YOU KNOW WHO TO BELIEVE?

I formally apologized to 2 brothers for bringing my politics into lodge and letting my passion get the better of my reason. Most of the others had gotten wind of my "showdown in the kitchen" & thought the whole deal was BS. I went home feeling good cuz I had done what my dad would have expected me to...I admitted my trespass, but I stayed true to who I am and what i believe(weird choice of words, eh?). I could never apologize for what I think, even if I should think a little more before my mouth throws it out into other people reality tunnels. I readliy admitted that I had been hot-headed...hell that was one of the reasons I am going to lodge in the first circumscribe my passions with restraint...tempus loquendi, tempus tacendi....The Master Masons to whom I was trying to explain why nuking the entire Middle East is not a really Masonic thing to do should know a little better, they live in San Francisco. I offered the Deacon the chance to whiteout his signature off my app and turned me down...It only takes one blackball vote to keep me out, but I'll choose being turned away over giving up any day of the week. I brought the first three degree rituals that I had printed off an anti-masonic website into lodge and showed the worshipful master of a lodge in Hawaii to see if they were the real deal...He said they sure as shit were...then I asked him if he had read RAW's description of a degree ritual in The Earth Will Shake...he laughed and said it was the best he's ever read because it wasn't just scripted lines like a play...but captured the setting, emotion and experience as best can be put to paper...I can't wait to see what all the fuss is about if I get the chance

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