Tuesday, April 26, 2005

I didn't go looking for Islam, Allah came looking for me

I haven't smoked a cigarette in 2 weeks...I've smoked 2 in the last 4 weeks and I feel better...baby steps, baby steps...I never was big on drinking anyway, but that's next on the list...Maybe the extremely occasional glass of wine, never ever the liquor again...Pork is a little tougher with the wedding coming up next May, we are mos definitely doing the Carolina style BBQ and that will be hard to resist but if we get Nate Thurmond or Memphis Minnie to do some halal spare ribs that should please both Allah and my brother Cyrus...The prayer times are a little more difficult for me to keep, especially at work, but no excuses...I am trying to learn the verses in Arabic, remembering order and another language is a lot for me, but no excuses...I want to know the peace of complete submission to Allah...I seek the light and comfort of Islam...and I don't want their eyes on me while I read on the bus...I don't seek nor serve misogyny, honor killings, terrorists, the Taliban, paranoia, hate, fear, greed, repression, destruction or any of the other things humans have twisted the words of their holy texts to explain away. Action speaks louder than words though, let mine define the man who I strive to be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


With so many people suffering and so many things happening, we should all focus in our "present" time and enjoy the moment...somehow your post remember that to me

I'm working on a suicide doors site. It is not easy to find good content for suicide doors websites but I try to do my best...I also have a blog there

