Friday, March 25, 2005


What do you know about the Big Dead Place?

Some serious shit has been going on down on the ICE since it was rediscovered...
Please check this thread out over at AboveTopSecret:

Most important to me is what's under Lake Vostok...Magnetic Anomolies...50 tons of freon and jet fuel filling a core sample drill hole miles deep just 100 ft above the Lake poised like the sword of damacles above the most pristine water/environment on earth...fresh water warm enough to support life and hard evidence of bacteria living in the reforzen lake water...too good to be true? I would love to believe there is a spaceship, lost civilization or some new type of life down there.

This link is old but amazing:

If you are as crazy as I...and want to see for yourself...check out the jobs link with Raytheon...I could give up ganja for 5-8 months I think...

Cold war erupts over lake under Antarctica's ice
Nov. 28, 2004 12:00 AM ST. PETERSBURG, Russia -
Russian and American scientists are engaged in a new Cold War of sorts more than two miles below the thick ice sheet covering the Antarctic.At the center of the dispute is Lake Vostok, a subglacial body of water the size of Lake Ontario.

Atlantis Under Antarctica?
PIRI REIS explained that he was not responsible for the cartography and that the map was based on earlier sources. Some of these ?earlier sources¦ belong to his contemporaries (for example, to Christopher Columbus), while others could be dated to the 4th century B. C. Not later, because one of these sources belonged to Alexander the Great. further...Therefore, the maps of Reis, Phynius, and Mercator present Antarctica when the ancient Egyptian and Shumer civilizations were newborn. This point of view is excluded by almost all professional historians and could be regarded as an operating hypothesis that cannot be verified. Any historian would say that there were no civilization of the kind in the late 5th millenium B. C. According to Doctor Jacob Hock from Illinois University, the deposits in-question could be 6 to 12 thousand years old. further...Between the 5th and 10th milleniums B. C., there was a civilization on Earth that possessed great knowledge in the field of navigation, cartography, and astronomy, which was no less advanced than that that of the 18th century. This civilization preceded our civilization, and it was not an extraterrestrial one. Its age could be several thousands years, while its location was probably on the northern shore of the most southern continent, or archipelago: Antarctica. Later, this civilization may have resettled to the north-east of Africa. The reason for the death of the civilization was the covering of Antarctica with glaciers. This process started no earlier not than in 10th millenium B. C. It cannot be excluded that there were also large-scale floods, which were regular and cause long-term local deluges (this is confirmed by archaeologists). These disasters could have destroyed most of the civilization-s cultural objects. However, some fragments might be found in the future under the thickness of ice. It can also be assumed that the survivors of Antarctica kept and handed down knowledge to the ancient Egyptians. Therefore, if there will ever be an extensive exploration of Antarctica, mankind will most likely be surprised with the results.

This relatively recent theory holds that Antarctica is Atlantis. Those who subscribe to this theory say that Antarctica wasn't always the ice-covered land at the bottom of the world, as it is today. The continent was once a tropical land situated on the Earth's equator, but was shifted to the South Pole due to a slippage of the planet's crust. This theory is described in great detail, with photos and maps, at Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust. One of their main pieces of evidence is an alleged ancient Egyptian map of Atlantis, said to be published in a book by a German Jesuit priest in 1665. The map depicts "Atlantis" between the Americas and Africa (look at a globe from the bottom and Antarctica is indeed situated between South America and Africa). More intriguing, however, is the shape of Atlantis in this supposedly ancient map: it corresponds almost exactly to the shape of the land beneath all the ice of Antarctica - a shape that wasn't known until 20th century satellite imaging! An Exploded Planet (or Mars)This is probably one of the most controversial theories about the location of Atlantis - outer space. Alan Alford makes the case that Atlantis was not an island, continent or any other terrestrial landform, but a planet circling our sun. Alford goes back to Atlantis's Egyptian roots (Plato is said to be retelling the story of Solon, who in turn told the stories that he had heard during his trip to Egypt) and his interpretation of Egyptian legends to include a neighbor planet that blew up in some ancient era. This doomed planet may have been, in fact, the home of the technologically advanced Atlanteans. "This example of Atlantis," Alford writes, "illustrates how the implications of an exploded planet cult in ancient Egypt extend well beyond the boundaries of Egyptology itself, leading to a radical reappraisal of the so-called 'gods,' which came down from heaven to Earth. The identification of these gods (the Anunnaki, the Nephilim, the Builder Gods of Edfu, for example) as meteoric planetary fragments inevitably begs the question of whether God, the son of God and the angels of God are also echoes of this ancient and profound inter-planetary creation cult."

The Controversy The Piri Reis map shows the western coast of AFRICA, the eastern coast of SOUTH AMERICA, and the northern coast of ANARCTICA. The northern coastline of Antarctica is perfectly detailed. The most puzzling however is not so much how Piri Reis managed to draw such an accurate map of the Antarctic region 300 years before it was discovered, but that the map shows the coastline under the ice. Geological evidence confirms that the latest date "Queen Maud" land could have been charted in an ice-free state is 4000 BC.


(thanks to Universe 7 for assistance with the research)

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